
  1. The state of the sky when it is covered by clouds (synset 114547800)
  2. Gloomy semidarkness caused by cloud cover (synset 114007953)
  3. A long whipstitch or overhand stitch overlying an edge to prevent raveling (synset 103868962)
  4. A cast that falls beyond the intended spot (synset 100456100)
  1. Filled or abounding with clouds (synset 300464004)
  1. Make overcast or cloudy (synset 202776675)
    "Fall weather often overcasts our beaches"
  2. Sew over the edge of with long slanting wide stitches (synset 201332951)
  3. Sew with an overcast stitch from one section to the next (synset 201332775)
    "overcast books"

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