Nouns denoting animals

Ixobrychus exilis
small American bittern
Anser cygnoides
very large wild goose of northeast Asia; interbreeds freely with the greylag
Carcharhinus limbatus
widely distributed shallow-water shark with fins seemingly dipped in ink
a true bug: long-legged predacious bug living mostly on other insects; a few suck blood of mammals
Argyrotaenia citrana
California moth whose larvae live in especially oranges
any of various moth caterpillars that destroy cotton bolls
Pomatomus saltatrix
bluish warm-water marine food and game fish that follow schools of small fishes into shallow waters
family Caprimulgidae
foot of a pig or sheep especially one used as food
ribbon worm
soft unsegmented marine worms that have a threadlike proboscis and the ability to stretch and contract
a wingless sterile ant or termite having a large head and powerful jaws adapted for defending the colony
Hermissenda crassicornis
a kind of sea slug
large siphonophore of up to 50 ft long
family Alcidae
web-footed diving seabirds of northern seas: auks; puffins; guillemots; murres; etc.
hard plate or element of the exoskeleton of some arthropods
thecodont reptile
presumably in the common ancestral line to dinosaurs and crocodiles and birds
family Pelecanidae
any of numerous minute wingless primitive insects possessing a special abdominal appendage that allows the characteristic nearly perpetual springing pattern; found in soil rich in organic debris or on the surface of snow or water
genus Cimex
type genus of the Cimicidae: bedbugs
New Zealand wren
birds of New Zealand that resemble wrens
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